I’m only interested in changing the world

and making you and your success a part of that

It may seem an obvious statement… but our world is populated with people, So shouldn’t everything on our world be somehow aligned with making their lives better?

Mind you, I’m not talking about equality or fighting climate change or anything like that… though those are incredibly important things.

What I’m talking about is the common and accepted models for leadership and running businesses that we see in practice everywhere around us, and the- frankly- horrible and toxic work environments that those practices naturally create. And, not to mention, the typical “meh” businesses that result. Many are successful from a Wall Street or balance sheet perspective, sure. But i wouldn’t want to work at most of those places, and nor- really- does most anyone else- or at least not until the system has so broken them that learn to work within them, thus perpetuating the wrong.

My goal in life is to change this. More specifically, my mission is to demonstrate that you can- and must- build a successful organization entirely upon the merits of being good to people, and valuing success entirely as an opportunity to share that mission with others.

I am twenty five years down the road in the process and I feel like I’ve just started.  This site is intended initially as a way to document my journey. I hope that one day it will help to collect others around this single mission.